Category Archives: Liberation

The Lovera Message!

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“And they lived happily ever after.” How sad that life for half of the women on this planet is far, far away from such fairy tales. For these women, what started out as a passionate dream is beginning to feel like the onset of a nightmare. Why? Because of the realities awoman faces when she reaches the age of 40. The end of their passionate life, as signaled by the beginning of menopausal symptoms and the miseries of hormonal imbalance. These changes begin to take their toll on the most delicate part of your intimate relationships. Your romantic encounters with your husband or the man in your life. They become painful, distant, more farther and farther apart. Your self-confidence as a woman. It grows less and less as these symptoms dampen your spirit and your desire for passionate interaction. The end result is the understanding that your love life is drawing to an end. You are loosing the man you are with for better or for worse.

These are the moments you hoped would never come to pass. Now you are one of those women who have been waiting, yes hoping, for a way to re-ignite their passion and restore their sexual desire. Thankfully, Lovera holds the hope of returning you to that intimacy in a safe and natural way. Lovera is helping women around the world to naturally enhance both body and spirit.

Lovera has allowed women like you to realize that they have the right to enjoy a new era of love. The right to experience the desire, passion and sexual satisfaction of an harmonious lifestyle. You no longer have to suffer the darkness of a life without intimacy, thanks to this life-changing nutritional supplement. Lovera will provides you with an all natural herbal formula that will enhance your appetite for life, for sexual contact and yes even for those orgasms you thought were lost to you forever You will keep love alive because your passions will be restored by the balancing of your hormonal levels smoothly and naturally.Your happiness will be reborn by the relief from the negative symptoms of menopause, both naturally and effectively. Lovera is the answer. Keeping your man is the result.

Lovera was created and clinically tested in Switzerland and manufactured under strict quality control conditions in Germany by the leading pharmaceutical company in Europe. For the first time, Lovera is now available as an herbal food supplement in the U.S. without prescription. However, unlike other prescription hormonal control products, Lovera has no uncomfortable side effects.

As a woman you have the right to a full and satisfying intimate lifestyle. And your age should have nothing to do with it, because now there is Lovera.


Did You Know……..?

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Women make up approximately half of the world’s population. And at least half of those women are approaching more than forty years of age. For those women a massive issue stands between them and their happiness. The end of their passionate life. This is signaled by the beginning of menopausal symptoms and the onset of hormonal imbalance. That’s right. Nearly half of the women on this planet have some form of sexual complication that prevents them from enjoying a full and active passionate life. Prevents them from enjoying the pleasure of an orgasm.

These are the women who have been waiting, yes hoping, for a way to re-ignite their passion and restore their sexual desire. For these woman, Lovera holds the hope of returning them to intimacy in a safe and natural way. Lovera is helping them to naturally enhance both body and spirit.
